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For the first time, 5th Tyldesley will be taking part in Scout Community Week from 2nd-8th June.


We have built links with the new school next door and will be joining forces with them to improve their grounds.


All children and leaders who attend the sessions during Scout Community Week and take an active part in our various tasks will earn a special Community Week badge.

Community Week is well underway at 5thTyldesley!


The more eagle-eyed of you who have passed the hut recently will have noticed the front flowerbed at the school next door looking far tidied (emptier) after our hardwork this week.  Keep your eyes peeled for when we start planting over the next couple of weeks.

The Beavers have been busy this week planting seeds, bulbs and beeding plants in the school garden.  We will be continuing to work hard with the garden over the coming weeks and months. 


Keep an eye on the garden to see the changes we make.

The Beavers have been busy this week planting seeds, bulbs and bedding plants in the school garden.  We will be continuing to work hard with the garden over the coming weeks and months. 


Keep an eye on the garden to see the changes we make.

30 of our Beavers and their leaders joined forces with 4 other Colonies from Lilford District on Saturday 5th July to visit RAF Cosford as part of their Air Activities badge.


Click here to go to the Gallery page to see some photos of the day.

Beavers take off to
RAF Cosford
5th's First Ever
Family Camp

5th Tyldesley had their first ever Family Camp at Hesley Wood Scout Activity Centre from 22nd - 24th August. Lots of fun was had by all with plenty of activities organised to tired everyone out including rafting, orienteering, pioneering, obstacle course, fire lighting, scavenger hunt, backwoods cooking and crafts.


Click here to see the photos - please be patient, there's a lot to upload :)

Buy your tickets now for 5th Tyldesley's Race Night.  Don't miss out on this popular event taking place at the Hut.


When: Saturday 20th September

Where: 5th Tyldesley Scout Hut

Time: 7.30pm

Cost: £1.50 per child

          £2.50 per adult

    or  £7 for a family ticket

                        (2 adults, 2 children)


Price includes a hot pot supper.

Tickets can be purchased off any Leader.  Bring your own refreshment and and nibbles to keep you in good voice for cheering on your horses through the races.


Race Night at 5th.
Leaders visit Gilwell

The first weekend in September is well-known in the Scouting community as the Gilwell Reunion - a chance for all warranted Leaders to visit Scout HQ in in Essex.  This year  5th Tyldesley was represented for the first time by seven of our Leaders. 


We stood out from the crowd in our 'subtle' orange hoodies (check out the new design when you next see us), so much so that the UK Chief Commissioner sought us out to say hello.


We all had a fabulous weekend meeting new Scouting friends and trying our hands at various new skills and crafts which we will be putting into practice with the children over the coming months.

With the UK Chief Commissioner,

Wayne Bulpitt

5th Tyldesley

5th Tyldesley's AGM will take place on 15th October at 8.30pm in the big room at the Hut. Refreshments will be provided.  Please come along to see what the last year has held for us and our plans for the future.  There will be a chance to meet our new Parents' Committee and find out ways you can help, if you wish to.


We hope to see you there!



Remembrance Parade this Sunday

Don't forget that this Sunday, 9th November is Remebrance Sunday.  As is traditional, 5th Tyldesley Scout Group will be taking part in the Tyldesley Remembrance Parade.  As one of the largest Groups in the area we would be delighted to see all our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts at Parade looking smart in their full uniforms.


WHEN: Sunday 9th

TIME: 10am meet

WHERE: Meet Tyldesley Square, marching to Hough Lane Cenataph for the service befoe marching back to Tyldesley Square for dismissal at approx 12 noon.


Parents are welcome to walk with the Parade however it is asked that you stick to the pavements, leaving the road clear for uniformed groups.


We have been reassured that the roads will be opened to allow the Parade to pass through.


© 2018 5th Tyldesley Scout Group . All rights reserved.

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