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One Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th July, we visited Pennington Flash to complete their Explore Activity Badge.  We discussed the various things that we might see during our adventures (our imaginiations ran wild with possibilities) and then we set off, scavenger hunt bags in hand, to see what we could find.


We visited several of the hides around the park and, when we were quiet enough, we were treated to views of bullfinches and squirrels in their natural habitat. As a special treat, when we had finished our explorations we had great fun playing on the park.  On Wednesday, we were visited by Rhody, our Group Scout Leader, and finsihed our evening wirh an 'on location' investiture. :)


Beavers Explore Pennington

On Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th July, 5th Tyldesley Beavers completed their Explore Badge at Pennington Flash

© 2018 5th Tyldesley Scout Group . All rights reserved.

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