Cub Scouts
CUB SCOUTS 8 - 10.5 years
Cubs is the second section of the Scouting movement, originally started in 1916 for younger brothers who wanted a 'look-in'. In nearly a century, the section has constantly evolved and adapted its programme and methods to meet the changing needs of each generation of young people.
The boys and girls in our Cub Pack enjoy taking part in trips, camps and a wide variety of activities and games whilst earning their badges.
If you are interested in your child joining our Cub Pack please use the Contact Us page to register. There may be a waiting list but we endeavour to get children into the Group as soon after their 8th birthday as possible.

Cub Scout Promise
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God and to the Queen
To help other people
And to keep the Cub Scout Law
Where do my badges go?
Cub Scout Law
Cub Scouts always do their best
Think of others before themselves
And do a good turn every day